Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Thousand Splendid Suns

I discovered that Khaled Hosseini is an amazing author when I read A Thousand Splendid Suns, this thought was solidified when I read A Kite Runner a short time later.  Hosseini does not just write an entertaining story, he pulls you in and you become part of it.  These books opened my eyes and heart to the desolate and devastating situation in Afghanistan in a way that the news never did.  Hosseini makes it personal.  A Thousand Splendid Suns is, at this point, possibly the best book I have ever read.  I enjoy a book more when it has real life application and provides insight and inspiration; this book does all of that and more.
Mariam lives on the outskirts of Herat with her mother.  Her wealthy father, Jalil,  lives in the city with his wives and children, but Mariam is his illegitimate child and, therefor, cannot live with him.  Jalil visits Mariam sporadically, bringing her gifts,  and she idolizes him.  Her mother is hostiles towards Jalil and any feelings Mariam has for him.  When Mariam runs away in hopes to live with her father, the devastation begins.  An unexpected serious of quickly unfolding and unfortunate events that force Mariam to marry at a young age and move to Kabul.
In the same neighborhood in Kabul live Laila and Tariq who are secretly fond of each other, but must be wary of social boundaries.  When war comes to Afghanistan, their families decide to leave Kabul but for Laila's family the decision is too late.
The stories of the two women become laced together in an unexpected way.  Their bond and struggles are meaningful and enlightening.  I absolutely could not put this book down, and to be honest I cried a few times.  It's definitely a tearjerker.

THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR: This book has some violence, SC, language and some gruesome murder descriptions.

UNIQUENESS: 11/11 (A++)
I have never right a novel quite like this, and especially one that moved me in such a profound way.
FLOW: 10.9/11 (A+)
like water.
This book is just so great, I can't say enough.
OVERALL:  9.9/10 (A)

As always, comments more than welcome.

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