Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye, if I can say nothing else that resembles a positive comment about it, is very unique.  I expected this book to be something completely different than what it is.  I felt like it was a poor rendering of The Color Purple in some way.  This book came out to be less of a story and more of a jumbled series of unfortunate, no actually downright abominable, events.  Many endeavors have been made to have this book banned from libraries and schools due to its controversial content.  I am surprised to be saying any of this about this book, being that it is a winner of the Nobel Prize in literature.  It also sports the 'Oprah's Book Club' seal, but I just don't get what all the hype is about.
This book takes the reader through a year in the life of a black girl named Pecola in the early 1940's.  As for the storyline, there's not much to say.  It's a generally short book and was, I felt, very sporadic.  This book seemed to be nothing more than depressing short entries, somewhat pertaining to Pecola.  The book is not always told through the narrator (Claudia) but sometimes through second person and third person omniscient parties.  There are quite a few more things I could say about this book, but none of them are positive so on to what to watch out for- get ready it's a lengthy list.

First off, this book has a good bit of racism which is understandable considering the time period it is based on.  But secondly this book deals with child molestation and incest.  These don't occur until later in the book, but there are references made that they will happen beforehand.  Overall, I felt this book had an unnecessary amount of 'questionable' material in it.

If you have not already derived this, i was not a fan of this book.  But, since I'm a trooper, I trudged through until the end.  Plus I hate starting books and then never finishing them.

I Give This Book:
Uniqueness: 6/11 (C)
Though I wasn't a fan of this book, I have to give it credit that in some ways it was unique while in others, I felt as if I'd read it in another book.
Flow: 4.5/11 (D+)
This book was hard to follow, I didn't like the changing of point of view.  I was also not a fan of the way it would just turn into another story once you reached the next 'chapter'.
Inspiration: 7.2/11 (B-)
I will give this book a decent score for inspiration because the people who dealt with the unfairness showed to them truly were inspirational in themselves.  This makes it hard for anything written about them not to be inspirational.
OVERALL: 5.36/10 (C)

Like always, if you have any comments leave them below!

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