Friday, August 5, 2011

A Million Little Pieces

This book is undoubtedly a somewhat controversial subject.  I have recently, as in today, found out this book is a fraud while reading it at work.  Three customers were more than happy to share this news with me before I decided to put it up so I didn't have to hear it anymore.  I only got about 1/5 of a way through it before this was brought to my attention.  I am aware I should probably not be doing a review on a book I have not finished, but I am a little disappointed to find this out.  I was not very impressed with what I have read of the book in the first place, but I had a little hope it would pick up at some point.
James Frey is the author of this book and it is written as if it is a true account of his life of addiction to drugs and alcohol and his path to recovery.  The book begins with him on an airplane with no recollection of how he got there.  He also discovers he has a hole in his face and is covered in blood, vomit, and urine. (yum)  While it may already sound like a phony to you this book ropes you in with its climatic opening chapter.  Oprah even added this book to her book club, but apparently discovered at a later date that James Frey fabricated the 'true story' of his life. [ ]  In it's day, this book was even the #1 nonfiction paperback on Amazon and topped the New York Times Best Seller List.  Frey admitted in 2006 on the Oprah Winfrey Show that he "fabricated crucial portions of his 'memoir'."
Once i found this out, I went back through and skimmed over what I had read, there were quite a few things that stood out as questionable.  Overall, what I read of this book was not gold.  It is redundant and has entirely too much language, to the point that it pollutes the story.  He also portrays himself to have this annoying tough guy attitude that never falters.  Not impressed with you, James Frey, not that you care because you probably made a pretty penny off book sales for this book and your sit down with Oprah.  I give this book a flat F and say don't waste your time.

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